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About Art Omi

Art Omi, a not-for-profit arts center with a 120-acre sculpture and architecture park and gallery, offers residency programs for international artists, writers, translators, musicians, architects and dancers. Art Omi believes that exposure to internationally diverse creative voices fosters acceptance and respect, raises awareness, inspires innovation, and ignites change. By forming community with creative expression as its common denominator, Art Omi creates a sanctuary for the artistic community and the public to affirm the transformative quality of art.


Art Omi has five distinct residency programs: Art Omi: Architecture, Art Omi: Artists, Art Omi: Dance, Art Omi: Music, and Art Omi: Writers. Through a competitive jury process, residents are chosen, invited to attend at no cost to themselves, except travel. Abundant, catered meals and comfortable, beautiful lodgings are provided in a scenic location in Columbia County, New York. Please read these Frequently Asked Questions before applying to one of our residency programs! 

Art Omi: Writers is now seeking proposals for Translation Lab 2024, a 12-day special, intensive residency for four collaborating writer-translator teams in the fall of 2024. 

Art Omi will host four English language translators in New York's Hudson Valley for 12 days. These translators will be invited along with the writers whose work is being translated into English. All text-based projects—fiction, nonfiction, theater, film, poetry, etc.—are eligible. 

This focused residency will provide an integral stage of refinement, allowing translators to dialogue with the writers about text-specific questions. It will also serve as an essential community-builder for English-language translators who are working to increase the amount of international literature available to English-language readers. 

The dates for Translation Lab 2024 are November 12-23, 2024. All residencies are fully funded including: airfare, train transportation from New York City to the Art Omi campus, local car transportation, and a small honorarium. Please note: accepted applicants must be available for the duration of the Translation Lab (November 12-23, 2024). Late arrivals and early departures are not possible. Please do not submit a proposal unless both parties involved (translator and writer) are available for all dates.  

Art Omi: Writers will be accepting proposals for participation until July 1, 2024. Translators, writers, editors, or agents can submit Project Proposals. 

Each proposal should be no more than three pages and provide the following information:

1. Names of the translator and writer applying, as well as contact information (physical address, email, and phone) and the original language of the text. These details should be provided at the very top of the proposal.  

2. Brief biographical sketches for the translator and writer.

3. A description of the proposed project, including details about how you envision structuring your working time together.

4. Publishing status for the proposed project. (Projects that do not yet have a publisher are eligible.)

In addition to the Project Proposal, please submit a Work Sample. If sample pages of the English translation for the proposed project are available, please include them (no more than 25 pages). If they are not yet available, please provide another translation work sample.  


Note: This is the application form Art Omi: Artists Critic/Curator in Residence ONLY.
RESIDENCY DATES—June 19 - July 14, 2025
NOTIFICATION—August 1, 2024
Art Omi: Artists Residency program invites artists, critics, and curators from around the world - representing a wide diversity of artistic styles and practices - to gather in rural New York to experiment, collaborate, and share ideas. Concentrated time for creative work is balanced with the stimulation of cultural exchange and critical appraisal. Art Omi: Artists Residency nurtures deep creative and professional connections in a vibrant social setting.
Each session, 23 artists and 2 critics are invited to the program.  The critics play a pivotal role in the residency as they facilitate discussions, help connect the artists with art world professionals through the Visitors program, and conduct individual studio visits with the artists in residence throughout the duration of the residency session.

The Critic/Curator-in-Residence opportunity is open to critics, curators and art writers, who have been professionally active for the past 5 years, as demonstrated in their resumes and through their website, blogs or published articles and reviews, and who enjoy being immersed in an artists community.

Art Omi offers the Critic/Curator-in-Residence a travel grant and a $1,500 honorarium. Critics/Curators are provided with meals and a large private bedroom with a comfortable work space in shared living quarters.
Both Critics/Curators-in-Residence help to host the artists and visitors, and are asked to contribute to an overall sense of community for the 3 ½ week program.  Through the facilitation provided by the Critic/Curator-in-Residence, Artists-in-Residence gain valuable insight into their own work and the field at large.
Critics/Curators-in-Residence have an unmatched opportunity to meet and interact with highly talented artists from around the world, and to network with other arts professionals through the Visitors Program.

Critic/Curator eligibility guidelines:

  • Applicants currently enrolled in either a BFA or MFA are not eligible to apply. However, PhD students or professionals with at least 5 years of professional experience, currently enrolled in a master degree other than in the arts are eligible.
  • Art Omi accepts applications from self-taught professionals. Having received a degree or certification, or having formally studied art  or art history are not requirements for the Art Omi: Artists Critic/Curator in residence.
  • Applications must be submitted in the English language. Please make sure all application materials including your resume/CV, and your biography are in English.
  • Applications are for individuals only. Curatorial teams are not eligible to apply for the Critic/Curator in Residency.
  • Art Omi Alumni are eligible for a return residency. 
  • Please submit the following:
  • Resume
  • Short biography in narrative form
  • Three samples of your writing
  • Up to 5 images of curatorial work

Please note that due to the high volume of applications, we ask that you be certain that your application is complete and in adherence with all guidelines. Incomplete applications will not be processed, and unfortunately we are unable to notify applicants about the status of their application until after the selection has been made. Good luck with your application!

Art Omi